Our first pilgrims have walked the Peak Wesley Way!

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“What a wonderful stay we’ve had”

“Very lovely facilities here – all you need, even the candle glowing in the centre of our table as we had our meal!”

“I’ve loved the prayers in the book and feel at home here”

“Wonderful night’s sleep”

“Thank you for fresh milk, biscuits and fruit – lovely touch”

“We’ve been spreading the word to lots of walkers about the pilgrimage route on our way.  God bless you in this leap of faith.  We’ve also enjoyed visiting the chapel at Little Longstone and interesting amusing history.  You get a real sense of connecting with communities, albeit briefly, staying in chapels and learning about this area.”

“We finished on a real high and thoroughly loved our week. Thank you for such a lovely warm welcome.”

These are some of the comments left by our first pilgrim group.  They also told us that they really enjoyed the walk and were impressed with the route itself, which they found very enjoyable, taking in the different scenery.  They thought the guidebook was wonderful, providing such rich information about the local area, all in one place.

We are delighted that they had such a positive experience and are very grateful to all the support from volunteers and friends of the Peak Wesley Way.  We hope it inspires you to book your own pilgrimage.

Please visit our website, www.peakwesleyway.com, for details including our new reduced price for Summer 2024 bookings.

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